Well maybe I should start out by saying that the vacation made the plane ride worth it. I'll begin by apologizing to all my fellow passengers particularly on the flight home though in reality I don't really care because this was one of the best va
Things we learned kids play with on a plane:
- Arm rests
- Flight attendant help buttons
- Emergency evacuation brochures (this was a favorite)
- Food/snacks were our biggest life saver
- DVD players
- Books, trucks, or any sort of toys.
We had a two story third floor condo that we shared with the Hamilton family (Doug, Jen, Carson and Peyton) The complex had a great pool for the kiddos to play in. One whole end of the pool was only a foot deep and it had outdoor carpet all around it. It kept them from getting too banged up although Brock still managed to bash his head on the rim of the pool (the only area of concrete in sight) and got a rather large colorful lump on his forehead. There were also tennis
The first few days we stayed closer to home and really just spent time r
One of the days we headed up north to Hapuna beach. It is one of the nicest sandy beaches on the Big Island. The little boys got to get their feet wet in the surf for the first time and the big boys got some time in on the boogie boards. You can imagine that us girls had a blast too being out numbered two to one by small children. It was everything we could do to keep the boys from checking out everyone else's belongings on the beach. So again this is wh
We just happened to have one of the best snorkeling beaches on the island practically right next door to our condo so of course we also had to spend a day at Ka
We also went for several long drives around the island. We stopped at the "Painted Church" and at several really great playgrounds that the boys loved. It's amazing how much they've changed in just the last few months. They are so much more independent now. They can crawl and climb up just about everything now at the playground and they love the slides.
We also spent a lot of time eating on this vacation. You'd think we'd do a little better this time since we weren't on a cruise ship with all you can eat buffets but oh no we packed the pounds away regardless. We drug the kids into most of the establishments along Alii drive. Brock's favorite restaurant was Bubba Gumps because they play loud music. If you know Brock then you know that he loves to dance. Rhythm or not he loves to shake his groove thing which he did all while sitting in his high chair. Yes this did cramp his style a might. This is also where James took his famous "sunset photo" you may think that it is a photo of the back of some bald head but James insists that it's the sunset he was going for. The Hamilton's are big Roy's fans so for Jen's 30th birthday we went up to the resort area and made reservations for dinner at Roy's. I'll bet we are the only people to brave that restaurant with 4 kids under the age of 3. This is not a cheap establishment even the kids meals are four courses. In the end none of the kids did anything too embarrassing so I guess all is well that ends well....right?
On our last full day on the Big island we woke up to tsunami sirens. My first thought was "you've got to be kidding me". This is so up our alley you have no idea. My mom had tried to call and tell us that it was all over the news but we didn't get up until we heard the sirens. When we turned on the T.V. we found out the it was the real thing. All they kept saying on the news was to "just follow your family's evacuation plan"....hello tourist, we don't have a freaking evacuation plan. We were in the proc
Tsunami or not overall all we couldn't have had a better vacation. We fled winter and were only gone 10 days and came back to spring. You can't put a price on the time we spend together and the memories we made it was perfect!
1 comment:
Sounds wonderful. Very brave to go on vacation with 4 kids under 3! I loved reading about your vacation. One question... where's the picture you referring to when you talked about James taking the sunset picture with the bald head? Curious.
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