Friday, March 30, 2012

Coloring Easter Eggs 2012

We had lots of little hands in the dye this year. Dallen and Kiley were able to come out to the house and color Easter eggs with us. It was messy but over quickly. It's amazing how none of these kids normally will eat hard boiled eggs but dyed pretty colors they love them!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wacky Bounce

The boys got invited their first Princess Birthday party :) it was for our friend's daughter Hailey (who is also in their preschool class)and they had it at wacky indoor bounce. This is the first time that both of them have gotten to go because last year one of them (i can't remember which one) was sick and had to stay home with grandma. They had an absolute blast and it came at a time when they really needed to get out of the house. They also got to play with another kid, Nathan, from their preschool class who was there also.

Swimming Lessons

Well this is the first time that the boys have done the "big kid" swimming lessons. If you remember correctly the parent classes were a disaster last year (lots of crying) and after Mason fell out of the boat last summer and was traumatized I held little hope that swimming lessons would be any more joyful this year. Sometimes God takes pity on you and life brings a pleasant surprise....they LOVE swimming lessons this year! They climbed right into the pool with the rest of the class and have a blast every week....whew! The Hamilton's signed Carson up for lessons at the same time without us knowing so we even get to visit with them two times a week...pleasant surprise #2!

The Trouble With Trees

The trouble with trees is they don't ever move out of your way. No matter how much he yelled and cursed at the tree, the tree was still there and Brock was still stuck on top of it. He was very mad that he had to wait for us to take pictures before we would pull him down off the tree....poor tree.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Vacation 2012-Part 2: Caribbean Cruise

One week of warm weather and sunshine is just never enough. This year James's parents joined us on a Caribbean cruise. The boys really enjoyed their week with grandma and grandpa and of course all of the free ice-cream cones!
We took a 4 hour snorkeling excursion during our time in Grand Caymen. They stopped at the sting ray city sand bar and two different snorkeling spots. The boys didn't want anything to do with the sting rays but we got pics of James kissing one.
In Cozumel Mexico we just hung out in port and took advantage of the crazy photo ops while Jim & Ann took a tour of the Mayan ruins in Tulum.
Belize City was sort of the same story. We wandered around the touirist area for a little while then spent most of the day playing in the pool and enjoying an empty ship.
Rotan Honduras was our favorite stop. They have an amazing beach so we just played in the sun and surf all day. The boys did way better in the water this year. We rented a couple of floaties and even grandpa was relaxing in the ocean.