We had a perfect fight down Friday and even arrived in Florida with energy so we decided to hit the town for dinner. We ended up at Whiskey Joe's which had awesome food and would have been perfect if it wasn't so cold outside. Grandma and Brock totally rocked the Tampa club scene that night :)We decided to spend an extra day in Tampa so that we could take the boys to Busch Gardens. This turned out our to be money very well spent and most definitely of of the highlights of our vacation. It was a bit cold while we were there and even got down to 33 degrees one night. We got to Busch Gardens at 9am and didn't leave until 4pm. The boys went on every they were allowed to go on and they even rode "Air Grover" twice. This was a good sized roller coaster for such small kiddos. They had a whole Sesame Street area there so the boys got the hug all the characters and even got to tickle Elmo! They also loved all the zoo animals and the endless play structures. Another bonus for staying the extra say was we got to see James's cousin Cindy who lives in Tampa. Jim and Ann spent the day with her at the Florida state fair while we were at Busch Gardens and we just went out to dinner with Cindy and her family that night.