Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

We decided to camp at River Bend park for the first camping trip of the year. James had to rebuild the entire front end of the trailer but by Friday everything was up and running perfect. We didn't have the best weather but we did have the best friends. Nobody cared if it was raining and everyone just hung out and had a great time. Despite the rain we were outside almost the entire weekend riding bikes and roasting marshmallows. The boys have gotten really good at riding their bikes and are even learning to use the brakes. Mason is a little better at this right now. Brock usually opts for the flying dismount when he starts going too fast downhill :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pole Pedal Paddle 2011

A bunch of my coworkers thought it would be fun to put together a team for Pole Pedal Paddle in Bend. This was my first year competing in it but the second year for the rest of the team. It was a little bit wetter than we would have liked but turned out to be a great day at the end. There were six legs of the race: Snowboarder-Sarah, Cross country skiier- Jeanette, Biker-Mandy, Runner-Allison, Kayak/sprinter-Carmen. It was my job to run 5 miles of trails but I injured my knee a few weeks before and it turned out to be a really bad idea. About a half mile into it my knee was done for and it was all I could do to just finish my leg of the race. I originally was suppose to be the sprinter also but Carmen had to do it for me. It was a fun event and a fun day in Bend with James.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunny Days Are Here!

It's the middle of May and we finally got to see some sunshine. James just finished the playground for the boys and nana & papa bought them a T-ball set. They had so much fun just getting outside in the sunshine. I gave them their first T-ball lesson and I think I used up all of my athletic skills and knowledge...from now on we're screwed :)The boys caught on really fast to the T-ball. They started out trying to hold the bat with one hand. Told them to use two hands now Mason counts his hands to make sure the are both on there and yes those are golf clubs they sometimes get their sports confused. I also got the sandbox up and running so there is no excuse for the boys to be bored.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Eugene Half Marathon 2011

Sunday May 1st I ran the Eugene half marathon for the first time. I've done a couple others in the past but this is the first one that I actually trained for and ran the whole thing. I was really nervous because I had been having problems with my ankle and I was worried that the march of Dimes 10K the day before would make it flare back up. In the end I was worried about the wrong thing because my ankle did great but my left knee does not feel so good. I did better than I could have ever imagined. I did the 13.1 miles in 1 hour 54 minutes and ran 8.3 minute miles! This is my best time yet which might account for why I'm so sore.

March of Dimes 2011

This was the first year that we did the March of Dimes 10K walk in Corvallis. We did it in memory of my nephew Connor. We finished just in time before the skies opened up and it started raining again.