I never thought that I'd see this day but pigs are flying and yes our garage is empty! James finished moving all of his stuff into the shop last weekend and now we finally have a garage to use. This is the first time since we bought the house that I've seen the garage floor. I can't wait to get everything out of the spare bedroom. I'll no longer live in fear of being crushed by Christmas decorations every time that I check my email!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Pigs Are Flying!!
I never thought that I'd see this day but pigs are flying and yes our garage is empty! James finished moving all of his stuff into the shop last weekend and now we finally have a garage to use. This is the first time since we bought the house that I've seen the garage floor. I can't wait to get everything out of the spare bedroom. I'll no longer live in fear of being crushed by Christmas decorations every time that I check my email!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
First Trip to the Zoo
Lions, Tigers, and Bears......Oh My.....

Today we took the boys on their first trip to the zoo. Thanks to aunt Tia they have a year long zoo pass so hopefully we'll get several more trips in. I think their favorite part was sitting on the tractor (go figure we have one at home) because remember they like anything with a steering wheel. They got to see polar bears up close and I think Mason was a little surprised to see how big sea lions are. By the end of the morning the boys were all tuckered out and fell asleep right away in the truck.
Today we took the boys on their first trip to the zoo. Thanks to aunt Tia they have a year long zoo pass so hopefully we'll get several more trips in. I think their favorite part was sitting on the tractor (go figure we have one at home) because remember they like anything with a steering wheel. They got to see polar bears up close and I think Mason was a little surprised to see how big sea lions are. By the end of the morning the boys were all tuckered out and fell asleep right away in the truck.
Seriously Ducks??
Driving Papa's Boat
Friday, September 18, 2009
15 Month Check-up
The boys had their 15 month check-up today and seem to be right on track. Brock was 23 lbs 1 oz (30%) and 32 1/4 inches tall (70%). Mason was 23 lbs 9oz (50%) and 31 1/4 inches tall (30%). Overall Mason is a half pound bigger and Brock is one inch taller. The doctor was impressed with their motor skills and the variety of food that they eat. She even thinks that they are right where they should be when it come to talking too. I think that they may be a midge behind but they're learning new words every day. They also know how to open our door knobs now so the baby gates are back in place.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
15 Months Already!

Today the boys turned 15 months! We got their pictures taken yesterday and they we not very good boys, especially mister Brock. That is why in his picture you can tell that he's been crying and he has snot dripping down his face. They are really turning into a handful but very fun too. They are getting more snugly and enjoy curling up on our laps now. Both are walking really well and between the two of them they are in the process of cutting eight new teeth. Brock's favorite word is Uh-oh and Mason started saying book and thank you yesterday. It's amazing how much they've grown up just over the summer. We went camping last weekend and they looked like little boys pushing their dump trucks around in the dirt. They love slides, swings and anything with wheels. They think it is pretty cool to ride the 4-wheelers with daddy too. We can't wait to go play in the pumpkin patch with the boys. Happy September!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Shop Update
Just a quick update on the shop. We're still making progress just very slowly. It passed it's final electrical inspection a few weeks ago and James is currently sheet rocking the office and finishing up the machine shop. I'm dreaming of being able to use my garage soon :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
If one is good two is better?
Just a couple of quick takes on the boys......They are walking, running, and climbing now! They've gotten really good getting around on two feet but that doesn't seem like enough. They can now climb up onto the chairs and onto the dining room table. Oh Joy! They are both cutting their molars and Mason is finally getting some lower teeth. (We thought he might just have to gum it forever.) They are both starting to get more snugly too which makes mommy and daddy happy. I know that they don't look very happy in this picture but that's because they think they're in trouble. It's just so funny that they think this drawer is the perfect size for two. Looks comfy doesn't it.
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