Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ditch Digging
So here is the latest chapter in the shop saga.....Nobody knows how to have like James but hopefully thanks to all of his hard work we'll finally have electricity in the shop soon. The power company decided that they wanted to use a power pole on the northeast corner of our property so this meant that James needed to dig a ditch all the way there so that the lines could be ran underground. The first weekend he went at it with a ditch witch but quickly realized that he needed something bigger. Weekend number two he attacked the yard with a small back hoe which made the job much easier (especially in the area that he had to drop down about eight feet). Unfortunately the back hoe couldn't fit between the retaining wall and the side of the shop so for
the past two weekends James has been carving a ditch through solid rock by hand. This ditch is a good four feet deep right here and I'm not kidding when I say it's solid rock. The good news is that he's burning all those Mountain Dew calories that he's drinking in the morning. Personally I prefer to save my back and hit the treadmill.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
9 1/2 Months Pictures
Sunday, March 22, 2009
9 1/2 Months
Mason has really gotten good at this army crawling business. He's a pretty fast cruiser and he can even go down the stair into the living room. (We haven't let him take a spin at the bigger stairs yet but its not for lack of trying on his part.) He can also pull himself up on the furniture now which makes him feel pretty cool.
Brock has finally decided to start army crawling just yesterday. We got all excited and he just looks at you like you're the dumb one because he's known how to do it all along. H
Mason has finally gotten his second tooth (which is a top one, yeah this looks real cool one on top and one on bottom) and he can now grind them together making an absolutely awful noise. He is also working on teeth number three and four, while Brock is just starting to get his third tooth. Mason also ate his first bug the other day. A nice big black one that I discovered when he barfed later :)
Brock is on the left and Mason is on the right in the above pictures.
The boys latest discovery is....drum roll please....each other. They just figured out that there is someone sleeping in the crib next to them. They like to pull down their bumpers and peak through the bars at each other. They think that this is so funny that they ju
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Army Crawlin'
The day after my last post Mason decided to start army crawling. He still gets up on his knees and rocks but if he wants to go forward he drags himself with his forearms. All you need to do for a demo is put something he's not suppose to have (a screwdriver works well) in front of him and he takes off scooting. Brock just kind of stares at him like he can't believe how undignified this looks so we'll see what Brock has in store for the future.
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